Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms

Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms

As a busy mom, you’re always feeling starved for time and depleted on energy. The days seem to blur together and you occasionally wonder when you’ll have some time to yourself. Motherhood is a joy, but without keeping life’s crazy tendencies in check, it can drain...
Employee Teamwork in a House Cleaning Service

Employee Teamwork in a House Cleaning Service

One thing is for sure in the house cleaning industry: employees must work as a team. In maid service offices there are generally 2 groups: cleaning crews and office staff. Across the groups are the complicating factors of different backgrounds, skill-sets, languages,...
Run an Office Meeting Like Apple or Google

Run an Office Meeting Like Apple or Google

Many house cleaning companies have meetings that are unstructured and boring. Your maid service office doesn’t have to be like that, though. Your meetings can be effective, productive, and uplift office staff mood. All you have to do is learn from the best in the...
Cleaning Tips for the Elderly

Cleaning Tips for the Elderly

Putting that final touch on a house cleaning project is a satisfying feeling. That moment of relief and enjoyment as you step back to gaze upon clear windows or sparkling counter-tops is remarkable. It’s the type of feeling most everyone wants to experience, but there...
Recharge with Spring Cleaning

Recharge with Spring Cleaning

The birds are chirping, green has returned to the grass, and most importantly, the sun is shining. Beautiful weather reinvigorates the entire body as Mother Nature begins a new cycle. Right about now the exterior of your home probably looks inviting, but does the...
Hiring House Cleaning & its Embarrassing Moments

Hiring House Cleaning & its Embarrassing Moments

Trying something new can lead to mistakes and embarrassment and hiring house cleaning is no different. Here’s our guide to information to give to your new house cleaning service. That way everyone is kept in the loop and no one winds up embarrassed!  ...
Run an Office Meeting Like Apple or Google

How to Run Office Meetings in a Cleaning Company

There are lots of strategies to help you successfully lead office meetings. A few very simple and effective methods can help you calm your nerves, keep control of your audience, and increase staff productivity. Utilize the tips below to make office meetings, in a...
International Earth Day

International Earth Day

International Earth Day is right around the bend, and here at Maids by Trade, there are few calendar landmarks that get us more excited than this one. International Earth Day is a period to recognize how much we care about preserving the Earth, and setting up new...