How to Declutter and Do Good

How to Declutter and Do Good

The quest to declutter and rid a home of unneeded belongings is a perpetual one (especially for families with kids). Stuff just seems to pile up and it can be hard to motivate yourself time after time to throw it out. It might help to think about cleaning in terms of...
How to Clean an Attic

How to Clean an Attic

It’s rare that the movies get something right, but they’re not far off the mark when it comes to attics: dark, cobwebs, lots of boxes, maybe a broken mirror and creepy dolls (alright, those last two are mainly Hollywood, but it could happen). Of course...
How to Organize a Bookshelf

How to Organize a Bookshelf

A bookshelf can store romance, history, mystery….including the mystery of how simple shelves can be so messy! Bookshelves are storage, but they’re also decorative. They should add to the room, not just sit in it. Below are some ways to clean and...
How to Organize a Pantry

How to Organize a Pantry

The pantry is a small space trying to hold a lot of things, so it’s hard to keep it clean and organized. However, having an organized pantry is definitely helpful—you know where everything is, you can see and easily throw out what’s expired or never used,...
How to Clean a Garage

How to Clean a Garage

The garage is the place where you put things that don’t belong anywhere else. When you’ve mentally labeled a place “dumping ground, ” it can be difficult to motivate yourself to clean it. However, it’s helpful to do so. Regularly cleaning...
How to Organize a Bathroom

How to Organize a Bathroom

The bathroom fills up with clutter faster than any room in the house. It would be nice if you could open up your bathroom closet without towels falling out or find your chapstick before digging through five drawers of stuff. Here are a few ways to achieve bathroom...
The Quick Holiday Cleaning Checklist

The Quick Holiday Cleaning Checklist

The holidays are known to be a stress-inducing time for most. The meal preparations, gift buying, party attending and hosting are enough to make the most prepared and organized person dread the busyness. Holiday house cleaning in the midst of your schedule can easily...
How to Remove Clutter Before It Ever Appears

How to Remove Clutter Before It Ever Appears

In most American homes, needing to tackle and appropriate clutter is a more complex and daunting task than other chores. Unlike simply scrubbing a toilet or sweeping dust out of the garage, downsizing and removing clutter requires mental organization before the...
Moms Need These 3 Organizational Folders

Moms Need These 3 Organizational Folders

The art of organization has become its own full-time job in the fast-paced modern world. The schedule of an actual job, preparing meals, and handling children is enough as it is. Throw in time spent with friends, social media, and any time you steal for yourself, and...
How to Ensure New Homes Stay Clean

How to Ensure New Homes Stay Clean

Entering the new home that you purchased is certainly a magnificent and rare experience. However, making sure brand-new homes stay clean once they’re no longer brand-new is a seemingly impossible challenge. You want to hold on to that new-home clean for as long...