How to Control Pet Hair

How to Control Pet Hair

If you own a pet then you understand the struggle of keeping pet hair under control. It gets stuck in the rugs, on the couch, or maybe even on your bed. It’s a cleaning challenge, but we will show you a few techniques to remove pet hair from your home.  ...
House Cleaning Safety

House Cleaning Safety

Cleaning comes with risks: chemicals that are harmful or dangerous, heavy lifting, wet floors, ladders, and more. Did you know unintentional falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injury in the US? There are lots of opportunities for injury while cleaning, so learn...
How to Spring Clean

How to Spring Clean

Spring is the time of rebirth and that includes our homes! When it’s spring cleaning time, go all in, do it right, and set yourself up for a wonderful summer in your beautiful home. Use our basic tips to get your spring clean started.     Make a...
How to Clean a Dining Room

How to Clean a Dining Room

The dining room is the place where your family shares. Food, highlights of the day, and just time together are all part of the dining room ritual. This room needs to be a welcoming and comfortable space, which means at the very least it must be clean. Use our guide to...
How to Clean a Living Room

How to Clean a Living Room

The living room is where you watch TV or movies, play games, or just hang out. Regular cleaning is important for a room that is used so often. Here’s a guide to the basic chores that should be covered when cleaning the living room.     De-Clutter...
How to Clean a Garage

How to Clean a Garage

The garage is the place where you put things that don’t belong anywhere else. When you’ve mentally labeled a place “dumping ground, ” it can be difficult to motivate yourself to clean it. However, it’s helpful to do so. Regularly cleaning...
How to Get Rid of Cobwebs

How to Get Rid of Cobwebs

If it isn’t Halloween then you shouldn’t have giant cobwebs around your home. Spiders are sneaky, though. They’re great at slipping into your house and leaving a web in every corner. Knock ’em down using our web-slaughter tricks.    ...
How to Make a Cleaning Schedule

How to Make a Cleaning Schedule

A cleaning schedule is a must if you want to stay on track with your cleaning tasks. Hang your schedule on the fridge or beside your calendar so it can effectively remind and prompt you. Here is an example of a basic house cleaning schedule with daily, weekly, and...
How to Remove Coffee Stains

How to Remove Coffee Stains

Coffee is a beautiful thing. It keeps us going on slow days and gives us that push when we really don’t want to do something. Unfortunately, spills and drips happen. Here are some ways to remove those awful coffee stains and get everything spotless again.  ...
How to Clean Leather Furniture

How to Clean Leather Furniture

Leather is very popular because it’s durable and makes anything look fancier. It’s also a very easy material to clean and will last a long time with the proper care. Make your leather upholstery shine by following this guide on how to clean leather...