A cleaning schedule is a must if you want to stay on track with your cleaning tasks. Hang your schedule on the fridge or beside your calendar so it can effectively remind and prompt you. Here is an example of a basic house cleaning schedule with daily, weekly, and monthly tasks.


How to Make a Cleaning Schedule


Daily Cleaning Duties
Load and unload dishwasher
Sweep floors
Vacuum carpets and rugs
Wash and dry a load of laundry
Wipe down counters
Take out trash
Weekly Cleaning Duties
-Mop kitchen and bathroom floors
-Clean out fridge
-Daily duties
-Clean windows
-Daily duties
-Clean all bathrooms
-Daily duties
-Wash bedding
-Daily duties
-Clean bedrooms
-Daily duties
Monthly Duties
Clean microwave
Dust ceiling fans
Wash walls















Obviously this exact schedule may not be what your home needs. So adapt it! Develop a cleaning schedule that fits your home and its particular cleaning challenges. The point is just to organize and clean your house in a methodical way so cleaning never becomes an out-sized burden. And of course, if while in the course of your cleaning you encounter a situation you’re not sure how to handle, check back with our cleaning tips! Odds are we can help.