“My idea of superwoman is someone who scrubs her own floors.” — Bette Midler
Oh how the times have changed since Bette muttered these words. Lucky for us ladies, women are no longer the sole house cleaners. In today’s world, men and women are equals and split the workload of household chores. But also in today’s world no one has to scrub their own floors at all. No one has to be superman or superwoman because you can hire SUPER-MAIDS! Now that is a world I want to live in!
When it comes to scrubbing floors, Maids by Trade has a few cleaning tips for all types of floors.
- How to clean bathroom floors
- Keeping up with Saltillo flooring
- Cleaning kitchen floors
- How to clean and maintain hardwood floors
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Despite how times have changed, then and now, I still find this to ring true for whoever does the house cleaning.