Team Appreciation: Ways to Say “Job Well Done”

You have picked a house cleaning service that you trust and given them the chance to prove their abilities. You have seen them deliver quality results cleaning after cleaning, with the level of professionalism and efficiency that you now expect. Now you are at a spot where you want to offer them an extra “thanks” or gesture of appreciation for their hard work. You may find some difficulty in deciding what to do, so here we have compiled various ways to say thanks for a job well done.


Ways to Say “Job Well Done”


Generosity of spirit

This may sound like a cop-out or cliché answer, but it really is not. All people, whether they are on the job, at home or in another social setting, love being appreciated and recognized. As “no-brainer” as it sounds, sharing your thanks simply by saying so is a wonderful way to express your gratitude for service.

Saying thanks in this way will resonate with your maid service team for days to come. Saying thanks like this will even create a deeper emotional impression with your cleaning team. Who knows – they will probably even return your goodwill!


Leaving a tip

It is common and even expected to leave a tip when dining out. Failure to do so can result in angry, perturbed and disillusioned looks from your waiter. Expressing your thanks for a job well done is deeply appreciated through a tip. Don’t feel the need to overdo anything, though. Saying thanks by leaving a tip is rare enough in the house cleaning industry that every team member will adore you.

To be clear, you should not leave a tip out of trying to incentivize your maid service team, but a small gesture of thanks like this one goes a long way.


A small gift, such as a homemade food or drink item

You may want to go beyond simply sharing verbal thanks while offering something more creative or unique than a tip. If you are the cooking or baking type and want to express thanks for a job well done in this way, you have every freedom to do so. There is no problem with saying thanks in this way, especially if you already know that a certain team member likes a particular treat.

Once again, this type of thanks gesture will go an extremely long way and be immensely appreciated. This type of thanks also does not have to be complex or overbearing in size. Offering your thanks through a homemade treat is sure to be a smash hit and keep your house cleaning service on cloud nine.

Reading this post may have sparked some inspiration in you to share your thanks for a future cleaning. It might have helped spur thoughts for a different way to say thanks to your house cleaning service. If you do decide to go with an “extra thanks” method, know that your house cleaning team will absolutely love you for it.


Maids by Trade: Always a Job Well Done

Maids by Trade is here to help your home be the most comfortable, clean, and fresh home it can be year-round. Nearly all of our experienced team members have been working for us for five years or more, ensuring you will receive the best care and attention the industry can provide.

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