How Hard Can You Spin Your Revolving Door?

“Housekeeping is like being caught in a revolving door.” — Marcelene Cox   Seriously — didn’t I just finish mopping this floor? How can there be dirt on it already? The mop hasn’t even had a chance to dry. Housekeeping has got to be the most...

Don’t Play Funny With Me

“Housekeeping ain’t no joke.” — Louisa May Keeping a house clean is hard work. REALLY hard work. It is never-ending, back-breaking, and messy. Nothing about it is easy or glamorous, and it certainly isn’t funny. People may make jokes about it but no...

Life is About Taking Chances

“Housework can’t kill you, but why take a chance?” — Phyllis Diller   Housework may be too risky. The washing machine could explode. The sponge could bite. That feather duster looks pretty evil. And what happens if the vacuum should attack?...

Speaking of Cleaning Cycles – 6 Months?

“I hate housework. You make the beds, you wash the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again.” — Joan Rivers   Sometimes it feels as if all we do is clean. Maybe we should all take Joan’s advice and do it only every six months. I...

Are You Protecting Your Furniture?

“Dust is a protective coating for fine furniture.” — Mario Buatta   Who needs furniture polish, right? Just build up a healthy layer of dust and your furniture will last for decades! Mario may be a genius because we all dislike dusting, and we all...

Are We Talking Lazy or Opportunistic?

  “I’m going to start having weekly OCD group meetings at my house. I don’t have OCD but surely someone will be bothered enough to clean my house.” — Unknow author   I hear about people with OCD. What I wouldn’t do to have one of them...

Let’s See Who a Bright Person Calls First

“A bright person can always think of something better to do than housework.” — Ruby Lou Barnhill.   Ruby is a smart gal. She knows that there are so many things she would rather be doing than scrubbing toilets or windows. Aren’t there things you would...

Skipping Does Payoff (Sometimes)

“There is no daily chore so trivial that it cannot be made important by skipping it two days running. — Robert Brault   Sometimes there is a really good reason not to scrub the floors, dust your cabinets, or wash a load of laundry. Maybe you don’t feel...

Scrubbing Floors? Good Thing We’re Not in a Macho Era

“My idea of superwoman is someone who scrubs her own floors.” — Bette Midler   Oh how the times have changed since Bette muttered these words. Lucky for us ladies, women are no longer the sole house cleaners. In today’s world, men and women are equals...
Serious Scrubbing? Excuses Excuses Excuses

Serious Scrubbing? Excuses Excuses Excuses

“You don’t get anything clean without getting something else dirty.” — Cecil Baxter Cecil is actually onto something here. Think about it. You mop the floor and your mop gets dirty. You bathe the dog and your tub gets covered in dog hair. You clean...