Essential oils can be used to help to improve your mood. Feeling run down from a long work week?  Can’t wait to get home and relax and unwind?  That is how we all feel heading into a much deserved weekend.  Unfortunately, most weekends are our catch up time on chores and home cleaning. Have you thought of essential oils for cleaning?


Essential Oils for Green Cleaning


The good news is that by cleaning with essential oils, we can actually make ourselves feel more relaxed at the same time.  I know it sounds counterintuitive, but the benefits of essential oils extend beyond just home cleaning. Essential oils are used in aromatherapy to lift moods, boost immune systems, and make you feel better all around.  Combine those same essential oils into your cleaning routine and it is a win-win.

Your home cleaning will double as a relaxation session.  Essential oils are known for their powerful antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.  Mixed in with non-scented green cleaning products or homemade cleaning recipes, essential oils will help clean and smell great as well.


Most Common Essential Oils for Green Cleaning

Below are some of the most common essential oils found in green cleaning products. These would be great oils to stock in your green home cleaning kit.

  • Lavender has been shown to have a relaxing effect on the nervous system.  Many people use this essential oil to help with sleep or stress reduction.  You’ll find the lavender scent in bubble baths, soaps, and pillow sprays for this very reason.  It is also an antiseptic and has antiviral and antifungal actions which make it great for cleaning.  Breathe in the relaxation while you scrub!
  • Lemon essential oil has been shown to improve people’s moods.  The fresh scent just smells like summer.  Lemon is also great at cutting through grease and grime.  It works as an antiseptic and an antimicrobial while also having antibacterial properties.
  • Peppermint has been shown to increase alertness and enhance work performance and efficiency.  Try replacing an afternoon cup of coffee with a decaf peppermint tea for the same effect!  Peppermint is great for cleaning too due to its antiseptic properties.
  • Sweet orange is a popular essential oil that alleviates anxiety, depression, and insomnia.  For an extra boost of feel good energy, often it is combined with lavender. Sweet orange, due to its antibacterial properties, is great for cleaning areas where raw meat is prepared (cutting board, countertop).
  • Tea tree essential oils are great for cleaning as well.  Studies have shown that its antibacterial agents are especially good at eliminating flu viruses and even combatting infections.  It stimulates the immune system and helps with respiratory conditions such as asthma.  If you feel like you are getting ill, whip out the tea tree oil and do a little home cleaning right away!


Essential Oils for Green Cleaning and aromatics


Essential Oil Safety

As with any product, safety is important.  Making your own essential oil based cleaning products helps move away from chemical based cleaners.  Common household ingredients such as vinegar and baking soda are perfect examples of ingredients that can be mixed with your essential oils to create a world class cleaning solution.  Essential oils will help your home smell great and uplift your spirits and health, but too much can cause you or your home surfaces harm.  Follow these simple rules.

A general guideline for dilution of essential oils in cleaning products is 3%.  For every fluid ounce of liquid, add 18 drops of the essential oil you have chosen. If the smell is too much for you, you can decrease the essential oil percentage to 1% or 2%.

Safely store or dispose any leftover cleaning products.  Read the label carefully for instructions.  If you are unsure, look for a number to call.  If you mixed your solution from only vinegar, water, and/or baking soda, the mixture should be okay to dispose of safely.

Follow the directions for any cleaning product recipe you are trying.  Find an inconspicuous spot to clean first to make sure there isn’t any damage.

Enjoy your essential oil cleaning!  You will have peace of mind and a clean home in no time!