We’ve all heard of the TV series on ABC called “Wife Swap” right? Portland, Oregon has its share of celebrities and Roddy Piper happens to be one of them! Maids by Trade’s personnel appeared in season 2 episode 5, where professional wrestlers “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and Ric Flair traded wives which flipped their homes upside down, literally. That’s why they chose Maids by Trade.
Around 25:00 is when Wendy (Ric Flair’s wife) called the cleaning service to give her a break from cleaning the house, and she wanted everything done. While they were there Roddy thought he could tune out all of the cleaning going on around him with his bagpipes, but the girls put him in a “sleeper hold” (His own signature move). Within a couple of hours the house was blemish free, hassle free and worry free. If you were a professional wrestler would you want to spend your time cleaning or the day with your family?
This is the second time Maids by Trade has been featured on ABC’s Celebrity Wife Swap series. It is an honor that a local business was invited to participate in a national TV show and feature their hard working maids.
Maids by Trade gets a great opportunity for on-air exposure on ABC and NBC. The company made drastic changes to push the brand to a national platform when it launched its franchises in 2016 and started providing free cleaning to women battling cancer and implemented the exclusive EcoPink™ System.