No one knows when disaster can happen so it’s always best to be prepared beforehand. The following tips will help you create a plan for fires and smoke. Feel free to bookmark this page so you and your family can work on your plan. The checklist will keep items marked as completed for a period of 30 days so you can have enough time to finish the whole checklist.
Preventing fires in your home
The key to preventing catastrophic fires is readiness.
Fire Escape Plan
Preparing a fire escape plan is a matter that must involve the whole family. Everyone needs to be informed about the plan and options in the event of a fire.
What to keep in a portable fire-proof safe
Remember, in case of a fire you won’t have much time to think; so be practical and keep your portable safe light, in case you need to carry an infant, a pet or someone else.
These practical tips and tools are available for you and your family. Contact us or comment below if you feel this checklist should be improved. Thank you!