This might seem like a particularly fussy task, but it actually is a really important one. You can clean your makeup tools all you want, but if you put them in a dirty bag, you’re not doing anything. A dirty storage space for your makeup tools means they’re still dirty, which can lead to acne or infection. (There have even been reports of bugs found in dirty makeup tools!) Stay healthy, clean, and pretty by ensuring your clean tools are stored in a clean makeup bag.
Step One
Empty out your makeup bag. Go ahead and go through your makeup collection and throw out expired items. We mention the expiration dates for different items on our page about the medicine cabinet and bathroom mirror.
Step Two
Turn your makeup bag upside-down and shake it over a trash can to get rid of loose debris. Set the bag aside. Grab a clean cloth and dampen it with cold water. Apply a few drops of soap to a corner of the rag. Rub that corner with another until you’ve made suds, then take your sudsy cloth and wipe out your dirty makeup bag.
Step Three
Rinse the bag with clean water, then turn it inside-out and let it dry completely. You can speed up the drying process by using a blow dryer set to low or cool. Don’t put the hair dryer too close to the bag!
Step Four
Like we mentioned earlier, using dirty makeup tools can be bad for your looks and your health. So while you wait for your bag to dry, clean the makeup brushes that go inside. Check out the section on makeup brushes in our How to Clean Brushes Cleaning Tip.
A Clean Makeup Bag is a Healthy Makeup Bag
You apply makeup to your largest and most vulnerable organ. Give your skin a break and make sure the things you put on it won’t do it harm. Clean your makeup bag several times a year to keep your skin happy.