Portland got its first taste of real winter weather this past weekend which meant scraping windshields, scooting along treacherous sidewalks, and dreading the next heating bill. As an adult, snow days seem to be more of a nuisance more than anything. Unless you’re Albina Foisy. Armand Foisy was recently traveling with his 101 year old mother Albina during a heavy snowfall. Albina took advantage of a brief stop to pop out of her passenger seat and throw a snowball. Watch the video below and you’ll see she still has a pretty good arm!


101-year-old woman


“It’s kinda fun to play in the snow.”


Many news stations have picked up the story and Albina has become a media sensation. Since its publication, the video has reached nearly two million views on Youtube and ten million on Facebook. Albina is enjoying the attention she’s receiving as the “101-year-old internet star.” The video below is another Armand took, this time of Albina watching herself on the news. If possible, it’s even cuter than the one of her playing in the snow.


“There I am!”


 A 101 year old woman taught us a lesson.

At any age we can enjoy a moment having fun with snow. So don’t let Portland winter weather get you down! Whenever snow melts in your boots or you’re tired of the relentless winter wind, remember Albina. She’s lived through over 100 winters and they still haven’t got her beat. Find out other ways to enjoy winter and stay warm.